Europe is the only area in the world, which has to demonstrate deep faith in humanism and the building of the social state. In the last decades though, there is a growing phenomenon, reinforced with economic crisis, in various European countries of groups showing low tolerance to difference. What is even more alerting is that this phenomenon is reflected at school level with a considerable number of children being bulled of mobbed just because they are different.

European Union has been built on the values of equality, human rights and acceptance of different cultures. It is important to cultivate these values from the school years, as the children will be the adults of tomorrow and the future of European integrity is in their hands. The respect of diversity is important at many different contexts. The most important at our times of crisis is the respect for people from different cultural backgrounds, be they immigrants, ethnic or religious minorities. Nevertheless, discrimination has many facets and it can address students with physical or mental disabilities, students with learning difficulties and students with different physical appearance or behaviour. Therefore, the interventions at the school curriculum to address respect for diversity should address the different forms of discrimination and approach the issue from all the different angles.

In the project ”VIDEO.A.R.T.”, we intent to engage the students of our schools in dealing with discrimination and creating respect for diversity, employing video art and mobile technologies that are appealing to young people and at the same time will help them develop multiple skills and  competencies.


For students

- To engage in project activities and participate actively in the whole project, including the definition of the methodology

- to develop respect for diversity, cultural awareness and compact discrimination

- to develop technical and artistic skills (ICT, film making and editing, video processing, screenplay, creating infographics, animations, using mixed techniques, creating mobile apps, digital photography etc)

- to develop cultural awareness and a sense of European identity

- to develop linguistic skills

For teachers

- to provide to the teachers a methodology and resources to cultivate respect for diversity


Geniko Lykeio Acharnwn (GREECE)

Multitrab Productions (GREECE)

Liceo Classico Stabili Trebbiani (ITALY)

Fondo Formación Euskadi S.L.L.(SPAIN)

Nosnas Gymnasiet (SWEDEN)


Categoria: Progetto VIDEO A.R.T.Data di pubblicazione: 30/11/2014
Sottocategoria: Descrizione del ProgettoData ultima modifica: 30/11/2014
Inserita da webmasterVisualizzazioni: 1205
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